在之前,我们想连表查询,我们必须要把代码卸载 XML 中,这也是我们需要引入 @View 这个注解。
XML 连表查询
我们先看看以前的做法,我们需要在 XML 中定义
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| <select id="getProductViewsByDynamic" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultType="com.github.wz2cool.dynamic.mybatis.db.model.entity.view.ProductView"> SELECT <choose> <when test="columnsExpression != null and columnsExpression !=''"> ${columnsExpression} </when> <otherwise> * </otherwise> </choose> FROM product LEFT JOIN category ON product.category_id = category.category_id <if test="whereExpression != null and whereExpression != ''">WHERE ${whereExpression}</if> <if test="orderExpression != null and orderExpression != ''">ORDER BY ${orderExpression}</if> </select>
在 Mapper 层定义
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| @Mapper public interface NorthwindDao { List<ProductView> getProductViewsByDynamic(Map<String, Object> params); }
View 注解
我们只在 Model 上定义即可
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| @View("product LEFT JOIN category ON product.category_id = category.category_id") public class ProductView { @Column(name = "product_id", table = "product") private Long productID; @Column(name = "product_name", table = "product") private String productName; @Column(name = "price", table = "product") private BigDecimal price;
@Column(name = "category_id", table = "category") private Long categoryID; @Column(name = "category_name", table = "category") private String categoryName; @Column(name = "description", table = "category") private String description;
.... }
然后在 mapper 继承一下即可拥有和单表一样的动态查询
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| @Mapper public interface ProductViewMapper extends SelectViewByDynamicQueryMapper<ProductView> { }
这个功能进一步弱化我们去写 XML,大家可以试用起来